Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another break point for thoughts

Its been a while since i last blog. Its been 6 days since my last post, recently there is nothing much happening. So now its time for my reflective moments. Have to tone down my lifestyle as exam is approaching soon.

Guess its good to reflect on what you have done and what u plan to do in the future. I duno if its true that people do change after ending a relationship, but i find that i have done things which i will not try before. Went to drink quite often than last time, maybe because hang out more with my friends, just go chill out and relax. Also, suddenly felt i got lot more freedom, in a way just "abusing" the freedom. Its time to take a step back le and work on my studies.

I guess after my past relationship, i will work harder for my next one. Hopefully, i can find one that is realli the one for me. At least now i know what kind of girl is suitable for me as compare to last time. I guess people have different criteria at different stage of their life.

Also, i feel that i have changed since my last breakup. I more willing to try new stuffs (legal and unharmful ones). Well, i guess its only through experience that people will learn new stuffs and sort of shape themselves differently ba. Also, i guess my emotion is more well controlled than a month back.

Well, i still enjoying my bachelorhood at the moment. However, i still wish someone will be able to take that status away from me. Hopefully can find someone that is realli meant for me.

For studies wise, I need to realli put more effort le as its my final year. Hope to get at least a 2nd class honours. Think i more likely to work in finance industry than engineering industry. Weird hor? but somehow i more interested in the finance industry ba.

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