Sunday, July 6, 2008

Single for One year, Still waiting for 命中注定one

This month im going to be Single for one year le (got single party lol)... i know its no big pple being single for more than 1 yr...but somehow when you are too used to something for too long, When it no longer there, its just feel different i guess.

I feel Relationship is like a Tree, the older the tree, the more stable and deeper the root.Thus, the harder it is to totally cut off the root. Relationship is like taking care of a tree, need the right amount of fertilizer, water and sunlight so that it will grow healthy. Without any of those, it will slowly die off. There are also cases where someone else can just chop off the tree.

Well, it took me close to one year to cut off 99% of the root. 找不回拥抱的形状

I do enjoy my singlehood, but somehow i guess Its still better with one more person into my life ba. I guess sometimes the harder you try to find, the harder it is to find. Even though i always say, let nature takes it course...but deep inside..hmm.. :X

What will my ideal gf be like? I guess i will know when the arrow hits me. I shall concentrate on my career ba. When the time is right, i guess the right one will appear ba.

"when the door to the past is closed,the only door they can open is the door to the future"

Today someone i didnt expect would say this..told me.. " When you go out to work, you will enlarge your circle and know more girls" To certain extent, i was abit stunned.

Hm.. should i go for my 5th M.I.A mission and 3rd classified mission? think i will go ba.. keep myself occupied :)

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