Monday, October 19, 2009

Peaceful Weekend

Its been a while since i enjoy a weekend just relaxing and lazing around with no work. Time has become quite precious in recent time, almost find that just lazing around would be wasting my time.

I guess its good to have some time to just laze around. Manage to watch two DVDs in a day, been a long time since i last did that. Watch G.I. joe and Mall cop... I find that both movies aare actually quite nice. G.I. Joe is more of the typical action movie, whereas mallcop is a comedy.

Finally settled on a camera bag for my camera hehe.

Recently, somehow things also become abit on the dull side... things are not as happening as used to be. Am i feeling the strain of staying out late every weekend? or somehow the things that can be done in Singapore really limit the choices with only the usual suspects - movies, ktv, chill?
Are there new happening places in Singapore? lol

Finally after 2-3 weeks of coughing and stuffs, I have recover. Been quite affected by the coughing and stuffs...really put a strain on my body amid the busy schedule. But well, life still go on and quite good that it finally ok.

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